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How To Plan Your Christmas Gift Giving Early

Are you a person who loves to know that he or she can check things off a list early? If so, you are probably that person who likes to shop for Christmas gifts way before the rush starts. You're smart to do that, since you'll be avoiding crowds and you might even get prime parking spaces at shopping malls. From making a list to arranging for UPS service, here are some ideas that may help you to be organized as you prepare for Christmas gift giving.

Make Your List And Check It Twice - You don't want to forget anybody. At the same time, you may be eliminating people from your Christmas shopping list.

  • Are there people on your list that don't really want to exchange presents anymore? For example, if you and your siblings have children now, the expense of gift giving might be a problem. Consider talking to your siblings to get their feelings on either not exchanging gifts, or of giving a family gift instead.
  • As you make your list, include your spouse and your children. For example, your children might have friends they want to shop for. It's easy to remember that teachers will be getting presents, but remember that the office staff will love receiving a small token gift of appreciation, too.
  • While you make your list, consider how many gifts will need to be sent out of town. Mark your calendar with an early date to send gifts.

Selecting And Sending Your Gifts - Consider having a theme this Christmas. For example, it might be fun to have a movie theme. Then you can send things like soundtracks from musicals like the classic movie, The Sound of Music, DVDs, or even movie posters.

  • Consider how you will get gifts to their recipients. If you have teenaged grandchildren who live far away, think about sending a Christmas card with a gift coupon through the postal system.
  • Don't forget that services like UPS will not only deliver your packages, but they will even pick them up at your door. If it's more convenient for you, there are UPS business places where you can drop the gift off.
  • Whether you are mailing a large package or a smaller one, UPS is a great choice. It's affordable and dependable. You can be assured that your gifts will arrive before Christmas day.

Keep a list of things you have sent. Include the date that you sent it, plus any paperwork that went with the gift. 
